Monday, September 22, 2008

Bombs Bombs everywhere...

The recent spat of bombings has forced me to think(a rare activity involving me). It has scared me and the element of pity has engulfed my heart. Scared because i don't know where, why and how the next bombing is going to take place. It maybe that i am out shopping and the whole complex is blown off, it maybe that i am in a church and a crater 25 feet deep and 30 feet wide is formed because the truck parked outside contains explosives. I am not allowed to go to Goa for vacations because that's the place which has been tipped off as the next target. My mom is not allowing me to go for the Dussehra festival in Mysore because she thinks that such a huge gathering is a soft target for the 'terrorists'. My freedom of movement is being curbed. My sense of belonging in this country is being curbed and obviously i don't like that.
I am scared because the public is losing it's cool. I pity the people who died for no fault of theirs in the bombing and i pity the people who got affected by their death and i pity the people who will be looked down with suspicion after the bombings are over. It's only a matter of time before the tolerance level of the public reaches it's zenith and it's forced to take a drastic step in order to curb this menace. I am scared of that day and i pity that day.
It's not a secret that the Muslim community is suspected everytime a blast takes place everywhere. From the Mumbai blasts in 1993 to the recent Delhi blasts everytime the suspicion has fell upon Muslims. So much so that even when blasts took place in a mosque in Hyderabad the Muslims were targeted. Why is all this happening and what on earth is "Indian Mujahideen", claimed to be an offshoot of SIMI. Shakeel was 17 years old when he was suspected to be a part of a bomb plan and he was 27 when he was released on the basis of lack of evidence. The drive undertaken by the police of Hyderabad on 22nd and 23rd of August 2008 is utterly shameful and is not remotely close to what is called humane. Muslims are picked up from their homes without any notice and are mercilessly tortured and beaten. Ear lobes are cut off and electric shock treatment and ice beating is too common. They are tortured until they sign a blank paper which will be their testimony claming that they were involved in the bombings. God alone knows where the 'real terrorists' are and what happens of them and we know how 'actual terrorists' are formed. When such things are happening how can the people of India(sarcastically leaving in a Democratic Country) dream of a peaceful country. I can't even think of it.
By now the people who are reading this must be thinking that i am a staunch Islamist, sitting in some corner and dreaming of taking revenge because the people of his own clan were treated badly. But i am a devout Hindu, writing this as a blog post to be submitted in a competition and go to the temple twice a week. The only difference is that i have seen all these things happening and i somewhat understand the plight of the common Muslims who suffer for the no fault of theirs. Oh yes their only fault is that they live in a free world and a democratic country. I stay in a place where Hindus and Muslims live in completely harmony. The Hindus understand their limit and the Muslims understand the religious sentiments of the Hindus. But even then there are occasional raids in the houses of the Muslims and they are arrested without any condition for bail. The Muslim who live here seem to have accepted their fate and they seldom complain and the harmony between the two opposite castes is not affected. But i am apprehensive about "Till when?". The apple of discord is going to be sown at sometime or the other and i shudder to think of the time when that will happen. Blood will flow like water and my place will be destroyed. Someone please try and help.....
Then you might be thinking what about the people who die in such balsts 'for no fault of theirs' and why shouldn't the Muslims be targeted when the IM openly claims the responsibility for such a henious crime and label this as their fatwa? Well why should one whole community be shunned for the activity of others? The good and peaceful Muslims are sure that Allah never wanted this, that whatever they are doing is just because of their selfish motives and those people will never be able to attain Jannat. Then why are these people being targeted? What is the Government doing to ensure that our country is not affected by such plagues and what are we doing to ensure that there is no flaw from our side? We must understand that in harmony lies our success mantra. Unless and until this bit of knowledge enters our head may God be with us and may you not be in the place where the next bomb is going to explode(I am optimistic about that with the prevalent conditions).

Registration Number:115
Name:Rahul Mourya
Section: 5 B